Last September 19-20, 2023, VALORADA presented at the Climateurope2 webstival on Businesses and communities: climate services for a resilient Europe. The Climateurope2 webstival particularly emphasises the quality of climate services for cities and communities. The interactive sought to provide an overview of Mission Adpatation’s complementary projects supporting the regions and cities.
In our presentation, we brought forward the following points:
- VALORADA will facilitate the use of climate as well as locally produced data and information needed to characterise climate risks. We explained our aim to facilitate the integration of different sets of data and information through the development of local climate adaptation data catalogues, by facilitating local data governance through participatory processes and providing data manipulation tools to our 5 demonstrator regions.
- VALORADA is implementing several workshops to better understand the climate-adaptation data ecosystem in each demonstrator. We are developing climate-impact chains to identify specific impacts and vulnerabilities. From this, we are proposing different indicators and identifying their data needs. We do this in a participatory manner, thus engaging local stakeholders and promoting the generation of communities of practice around data management.
- Furthermore, we explained that VALORADA tools will emerge out of a co-development process, whereby we identify the best ways possible to respond to existing governance schemes, working practices and working culture.
- In this context, we highlighted the need to establish the useability of data for climate adaptation as a criterion for success, stressing that beyond the novelty of tools, our central aim is to ensure existing data and information become used. This criterion posits that data governance and working practices play a central role in our idea of success.
Learn more about Climateurope2.