Statutory city of Přerov and Statutory city of Mladá Boleslav

- Statutory city of Přerov
- Statutory city of Mladá Boleslav

Statutory city of Přerov, Czechia:
- Přerov is a city in the Olomouc Region of the Czech Republic. It lies on the Bečva River. In the past it was a major crossroad in the heart of Moravia in the Czech Republic. The historic city centre is well preserved and is protected by law as an urban monument zone.
- The eastern part of the municipal territory lies in the Moravian Gate lowlands, the western part lies in the Upper Morava Valley. A small northern part extends into the Nízký Jeseník range. The highest point is the hill Čekyňský kopec at 307 m above sea level.
- Population: 41 634
- Vulnerable population (age: 0-15 and 65+): 16 061 (39 %)
- Area: 58,45 km2
- Agricultural land: 34,57 km2 (59 %)
- Arable land: 27,58 km2
- Hops: 0,73 km2
- Gardens: 3,26 km2
- Orchards: 0,46 km2
- Grassland: 2,56 km2
- Non-agricultural land: 23,88 km2 (41 %)
- Forest: 5,7 km2
- Water: 0,88 km2
- Built-up area: 2,96 km2
- Other: 14,34 km2
- Agricultural land: 34,57 km2 (59 %)
Statutory city of Mlada Boleslav, Czechia :
- Mladá Boleslav is the second most populated city in the Central Bohemian Region. City is located about 45 km northeast of Prague. The highest point is located on the slopes of the Chlum hill, at 301 m above sea level. The city is situated on the left bank of the Jizera River, at its confluence with the Klenice River.
- Mladá Boleslav is a major centre of the Czech automotive industry thanks to the Škoda Auto company, and therefore the centre of Czech industry as a whole. The historic city centre is well preserved and is protected by law as an urban monument zone.
- Population: 45 000
- Vulnerable population (age: 0-15 and 65+): 15486 (34 %)
- Area: 28,9 km2
- Agricultural land: 13,63 km2 (47 %)
- Arable land: 9,65 km2
- Gardens: 1,88 km2
- Orchards: 0,06 km2
- Grassland: 2,04 km2
- Non-agricultural land: 15,26 km2 (53 %)
- Forest: 2,5 km2
- Water: 0,52 km2
- Built-up area: 3,35 km2
- Other: 8,89 km2
- Agricultural land: 13,63 km2 (47 %)
Statutory city of Přerov, Czechia:
- Overheated city centre
- Drought
- Agricultural areas
- Airport surroundings
- Lack of vegetation near buildings
- Flash floods
- The north of the city, along the Olešnice stream
Statutory city of Mlada Boleslav, Czechia :
- High surface temperature
- Škoda auto complex
- City centre
- Drought
- Agricultural areas
- Airport surroundings
- Lack of vegetation near buildings
- Škoda auto complex
- City centre
- Flash floods
- Along the Jizera river
VALORADA together with ASITIS will focus on combining climate data, climate projections, satellite monitoring of vegetation dynamics, and city data from urban green inventories/passports to:
- Determine the most vulnerable urban green areas as well as the key urban green infrastructure,
- Predict the health state of the urban green functional areas in the future, and
- Propose additional nature-based solutions to enhance the city’s adaptation capacity, and thus its climate resilience.